Gotovuyu Bazu Dannih Access Strahovanie Average ratng: 9,6/10 2693 votes

The Convention protects custody and access rights in international situations and provides for free, prompt, non-bureaucratic assistance from central authorities designated by each Party in discovering the whereabouts and restoring custody of a child improperly removed. Application for the restoration of custody of a child may be made directly either to a court or to the central authorities of any Party concerned. Central authorities are required, inter alia: • to assist the applicants in their action; • to discover the whereabouts of the child; • to avoid, in particular by any necessary provisional measures, prejudice to the interests of the child or of the applicant; • to secure the recognition or enforcement of the custody decision; • to secure the delivery of the child to the applicant where enforcement is granted. The Convention deals with various situations and offers specific solutions.


The Convention protects custody and access rights in international situations and provides for free, prompt, non-bureaucratic assistance from central authorities designated by each Party in discovering the whereabouts and restoring custody of a child improperly removed.

Avtorji/Authors: Urška Brodar, Katarina Stegnar, Jure Novak Nastopa/Performed by: Katarina Stegnar, Jure Novak Produkcija/Produced by: Gledališče Glej Koprodukcija/Co-produced by: Zavod Poza Igralka in režiser. Prelomen projekt. Bistvena odločitev. Kakšna je cena slave? Ko profesionalno postane zasebno, zasebno pa igra zapeljevanja in transgresije, zgodba iz zakulisja postane vaša osebna zgodba. Kaj vse ste za uspeh pripravljeni storiti vi? Ste v igrah moči pripravljeni na žrtve?

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The Convention protects custody and access rights in international situations and provides for free, prompt, non-bureaucratic assistance from central authorities designated by each Party in discovering the whereabouts and restoring custody of a child improperly removed. Application for the restoration of custody of a child may be made directly either to a court or to the central authorities of any Party concerned. Central authorities are required, inter alia: • to assist the applicants in their action; • to discover the whereabouts of the child; • to avoid, in particular by any necessary provisional measures, prejudice to the interests of the child or of the applicant; • to secure the recognition or enforcement of the custody decision; • to secure the delivery of the child to the applicant where enforcement is granted. The Convention deals with various situations and offers specific solutions.


The Convention protects custody and access rights in international situations and provides for free, prompt, non-bureaucratic assistance from central authorities designated by each Party in discovering the whereabouts and restoring custody of a child improperly removed.

Avtorji/Authors: Urška Brodar, Katarina Stegnar, Jure Novak Nastopa/Performed by: Katarina Stegnar, Jure Novak Produkcija/Produced by: Gledališče Glej Koprodukcija/Co-produced by: Zavod Poza Igralka in režiser. Prelomen projekt. Bistvena odločitev. Kakšna je cena slave? Ko profesionalno postane zasebno, zasebno pa igra zapeljevanja in transgresije, zgodba iz zakulisja postane vaša osebna zgodba. Kaj vse ste za uspeh pripravljeni storiti vi? Ste v igrah moči pripravljeni na žrtve?

A breakthrough project. A crucial decision. What is the price of fame? When professional becomes private and private becomes a game of seduction and transgression, this backstage story becomes your own. What are you willing to do for success?

In games of power, what will be your sacrifice? Ar rahman tamil devotional songs mp3.

..." style="letter-spacing:inherit;">Gotovuyu Bazu Dannih Access Strahovanie(07.02.2019)
  • Gotovuyu Bazu Dannih Access Strahovanie Average ratng: 9,6/10 2693 votes
  • Gotovuyu

    The Convention protects custody and access rights in international situations and provides for free, prompt, non-bureaucratic assistance from central authorities designated by each Party in discovering the whereabouts and restoring custody of a child improperly removed. Application for the restoration of custody of a child may be made directly either to a court or to the central authorities of any Party concerned. Central authorities are required, inter alia: • to assist the applicants in their action; • to discover the whereabouts of the child; • to avoid, in particular by any necessary provisional measures, prejudice to the interests of the child or of the applicant; • to secure the recognition or enforcement of the custody decision; • to secure the delivery of the child to the applicant where enforcement is granted. The Convention deals with various situations and offers specific solutions.


    The Convention protects custody and access rights in international situations and provides for free, prompt, non-bureaucratic assistance from central authorities designated by each Party in discovering the whereabouts and restoring custody of a child improperly removed.

    Avtorji/Authors: Urška Brodar, Katarina Stegnar, Jure Novak Nastopa/Performed by: Katarina Stegnar, Jure Novak Produkcija/Produced by: Gledališče Glej Koprodukcija/Co-produced by: Zavod Poza Igralka in režiser. Prelomen projekt. Bistvena odločitev. Kakšna je cena slave? Ko profesionalno postane zasebno, zasebno pa igra zapeljevanja in transgresije, zgodba iz zakulisja postane vaša osebna zgodba. Kaj vse ste za uspeh pripravljeni storiti vi? Ste v igrah moči pripravljeni na žrtve?

    A breakthrough project. A crucial decision. What is the price of fame? When professional becomes private and private becomes a game of seduction and transgression, this backstage story becomes your own. What are you willing to do for success?

    In games of power, what will be your sacrifice? Ar rahman tamil devotional songs mp3.

    ...">Gotovuyu Bazu Dannih Access Strahovanie(07.02.2019)