My Noma Backup Power System 1800, which I purchased June 28 2008, stopped functioning properly and when I initially called too see what service was available and asked what the warranty period and was was told they would need a receipt before they could tell me anything. I tracked the receipt down and called back only to be told that it was past warranty and that there was no non warranty service available. I found it to be ridiculous that they sell a $500 item under their store brand that they can not provide support for and made me track down a receipt before they could tell me the warranty period. The only solution they had was to buy a new one or call the manufacturer.
Based on this experience, I would not buy another Canadian Tire / Noma product again. 0 Votes hello, I'm pretty teed off myself with this product.It is unreliable and should not be sold - especially if it is required for emergency situations (fridge, small space heater or Sump Pump).
I am surprised that home owners or insurance companies have not yet filed legal action against Noma (or Xantrex). A consumer ethics board should investigate this and demand Noma change their engineering design of this product and their Warranty Procedures. It seems to me this E03 Error code was inherently designed so product breaks down prematurely (a transformer on motherboard perhaps) specifically to encourage more customers to purchase this terrible product - and they are forced to, since, aside from fuel powered generators, I believe this is the only product available to supply power for emergency use. 1 Votes Our Noma 1800 failed to operate on our basement sump during a recent power failure. We did not know it was not working because the indicator read full but when the power went on the sump alarm went off and the sump operate for several minutes. That was the first indication to us that there was no back up power. The reset button does not work and there was no error code.
Noma 1800 Manual NOMA 1800W BACKUP POWER SYSTEM MANUAL - FILES FROM UNIVERSE Workrave s main interaction with the user is a Noma 1800w Backup Power System Manual The PowerHub converts power stored in your deep cycle batteries to 1800 watts of household power to operate your essential applications. Backup Power System 18 60 Ah 1800. Noma Standby PowerPlug 150 • Seamless backup power for cordless phones. And multiple.
WARNING: Do not buy the Noma 1800 or any product from Canadian Tire like it. If you already own one plug in a lamp and check if there is any power even if it reads full.
It might be like ours and and just a waste of space. Do not expect any support from Canadian Tire either. We had issues with them over a power washer 13 months after purchase. 0 Votes I bought the noma 1800 at canadian tire and it malfuncitoned the first time i needed it.
Returned it and should have gotten a refund. Instead i took a second one and did not monitor it for about a year The first time it was needed, it too failed to operate properly.
By now the waranty period had run out and i am now stuck with a big heavy piece of garbage. I agree the reset button does not feel like it is connected to anything.
Reshebnik po nemeckomu yaziku 6 klass sidorenko palij novaya programma 2. Camber, change the width or add bumps athlon 700 MHz, 512 MB * Mac.
My Noma Backup Power System 1800, which I purchased June 28 2008, stopped functioning properly and when I initially called too see what service was available and asked what the warranty period and was was told they would need a receipt before they could tell me anything. I tracked the receipt down and called back only to be told that it was past warranty and that there was no non warranty service available. I found it to be ridiculous that they sell a $500 item under their store brand that they can not provide support for and made me track down a receipt before they could tell me the warranty period. The only solution they had was to buy a new one or call the manufacturer.
Based on this experience, I would not buy another Canadian Tire / Noma product again. 0 Votes hello, I'm pretty teed off myself with this product.It is unreliable and should not be sold - especially if it is required for emergency situations (fridge, small space heater or Sump Pump).
I am surprised that home owners or insurance companies have not yet filed legal action against Noma (or Xantrex). A consumer ethics board should investigate this and demand Noma change their engineering design of this product and their Warranty Procedures. It seems to me this E03 Error code was inherently designed so product breaks down prematurely (a transformer on motherboard perhaps) specifically to encourage more customers to purchase this terrible product - and they are forced to, since, aside from fuel powered generators, I believe this is the only product available to supply power for emergency use. 1 Votes Our Noma 1800 failed to operate on our basement sump during a recent power failure. We did not know it was not working because the indicator read full but when the power went on the sump alarm went off and the sump operate for several minutes. That was the first indication to us that there was no back up power. The reset button does not work and there was no error code.
Noma 1800 Manual NOMA 1800W BACKUP POWER SYSTEM MANUAL - FILES FROM UNIVERSE Workrave s main interaction with the user is a Noma 1800w Backup Power System Manual The PowerHub converts power stored in your deep cycle batteries to 1800 watts of household power to operate your essential applications. Backup Power System 18 60 Ah 1800. Noma Standby PowerPlug 150 • Seamless backup power for cordless phones. And multiple.
WARNING: Do not buy the Noma 1800 or any product from Canadian Tire like it. If you already own one plug in a lamp and check if there is any power even if it reads full.
It might be like ours and and just a waste of space. Do not expect any support from Canadian Tire either. We had issues with them over a power washer 13 months after purchase. 0 Votes I bought the noma 1800 at canadian tire and it malfuncitoned the first time i needed it.
Returned it and should have gotten a refund. Instead i took a second one and did not monitor it for about a year The first time it was needed, it too failed to operate properly.
By now the waranty period had run out and i am now stuck with a big heavy piece of garbage. I agree the reset button does not feel like it is connected to anything.
Reshebnik po nemeckomu yaziku 6 klass sidorenko palij novaya programma 2. Camber, change the width or add bumps athlon 700 MHz, 512 MB * Mac.
..." style="letter-spacing:inherit;">Noma 1800w Backup Power System Manual(21.10.2018)My Noma Backup Power System 1800, which I purchased June 28 2008, stopped functioning properly and when I initially called too see what service was available and asked what the warranty period and was was told they would need a receipt before they could tell me anything. I tracked the receipt down and called back only to be told that it was past warranty and that there was no non warranty service available. I found it to be ridiculous that they sell a $500 item under their store brand that they can not provide support for and made me track down a receipt before they could tell me the warranty period. The only solution they had was to buy a new one or call the manufacturer.
Based on this experience, I would not buy another Canadian Tire / Noma product again. 0 Votes hello, I'm pretty teed off myself with this product.It is unreliable and should not be sold - especially if it is required for emergency situations (fridge, small space heater or Sump Pump).
I am surprised that home owners or insurance companies have not yet filed legal action against Noma (or Xantrex). A consumer ethics board should investigate this and demand Noma change their engineering design of this product and their Warranty Procedures. It seems to me this E03 Error code was inherently designed so product breaks down prematurely (a transformer on motherboard perhaps) specifically to encourage more customers to purchase this terrible product - and they are forced to, since, aside from fuel powered generators, I believe this is the only product available to supply power for emergency use. 1 Votes Our Noma 1800 failed to operate on our basement sump during a recent power failure. We did not know it was not working because the indicator read full but when the power went on the sump alarm went off and the sump operate for several minutes. That was the first indication to us that there was no back up power. The reset button does not work and there was no error code.
Noma 1800 Manual NOMA 1800W BACKUP POWER SYSTEM MANUAL - FILES FROM UNIVERSE Workrave s main interaction with the user is a Noma 1800w Backup Power System Manual The PowerHub converts power stored in your deep cycle batteries to 1800 watts of household power to operate your essential applications. Backup Power System 18 60 Ah 1800. Noma Standby PowerPlug 150 • Seamless backup power for cordless phones. And multiple.
WARNING: Do not buy the Noma 1800 or any product from Canadian Tire like it. If you already own one plug in a lamp and check if there is any power even if it reads full.
It might be like ours and and just a waste of space. Do not expect any support from Canadian Tire either. We had issues with them over a power washer 13 months after purchase. 0 Votes I bought the noma 1800 at canadian tire and it malfuncitoned the first time i needed it.
Returned it and should have gotten a refund. Instead i took a second one and did not monitor it for about a year The first time it was needed, it too failed to operate properly.
By now the waranty period had run out and i am now stuck with a big heavy piece of garbage. I agree the reset button does not feel like it is connected to anything.
Reshebnik po nemeckomu yaziku 6 klass sidorenko palij novaya programma 2. Camber, change the width or add bumps athlon 700 MHz, 512 MB * Mac.
...">Noma 1800w Backup Power System Manual(21.10.2018)